
Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Review

Primal powers make their grand return. Console: Nintendo 3DS

All Marvel & DC Crossovers to date

Batgirl: Stephanie Brown Vol. 1 & 2 - Review

Champions Vol. 2: Killer App - Review

Daredevil Vol. 6: Doing Time - Review

Nightwing: Leaping into the Light - Review

Some fun goodies from DC Fandome 2021

Silk Vol. 1: Threats And Menaces - Review

Transformers Beast Wars Vol 1. Savage Landings - Review

Why I dislike DC´s current direction

Justice League: Prisms (#59-#63) - Review

Marvel's Heroes Reborn (2021) - Review

Avengers: Enter the Phoenix - Review

Let’s Talk About Marvel’s Heroes Reborn (1996)

Champions Outlawed - Review

2020 Rescue - Review

Sabrina the Teenage Witch: Something Wicked - Review

The Aftermath of DC's Future State Event

DC's Future State: how good was it?

Falcon & Winter Soldier (Comic) - Review

Batman: The Joker War - Review